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My Relationship with Technology (Final Post)

 The internet is the single most important invention and pinnacle of information that humanity has ever been able to create. It stores the total sum of thousands of years human knowledge in a place that is easily accessible at all times to all people. One google search pulls of billions of results in a fraction of a second. It’s not only useful for learning information, but also communicating instantly across the world. The Internet is the most successful form of mass media communication because it allows unrestricted communication between large groups of people. Almost every city on our world now has Internet connection and is a fundamental part of daily life of most people across the globe.  While the internet is the best tool ever created in human history, it can be argued that it is simultaneously the most formidable and dangerous weapon to have ever been produced. In most cases, you can no longer get by in this world by avoiding contact with the internet, and because of this, so m

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