Blog Post #8 Anti-War

 Today we were tasked with looking into two websites. The two websites I looked at were and The First website I will talk about is's mission statement is as follows, "This site is devoted to the cause of non-interventionism and is read by libertarians, pacifists, leftists, "greens," and independents alike, as well as many on the Right who agree with our opposition to imperialism". This website has hundreds of Anti-War news sources on-site that condemn any government at war and shows what is truly happening on the front lines in their front lines section.

The second website we were tasked to look into was The American Conservative and its mission statement is as follows, "The American Conservative is not like other publications that call themselves “conservative.” We adhere closely to our institutional maxim: ideas over ideology; principles over party. We were founded by eminent conservatives who were appalled by the sins, follies, and deceptions of neoconservatism: by the disastrous war in Iraq and compulsive meddling around the globe; by disrespect for the Bill of Rights; by the Washington-knows-best philosophy manifested in such centralizing laws as the No Child Left Behind Act; and by a “too big to fail” bias that privileged Wall Street over the small independent businesses, farms, and cooperative ventures that are the soul of the American economy". This website tries to steer conservatism away from being associated with Alt RIght and rather its own category with its own characteristics. Instead of being an extension of the Republican party, they hold their own ideals rather than the far-right ideology.

Neither of these websites is popular with the media because neither of them gives them a good look and has conflicting values. It is self-explanatory what stands for, but the general media loves war, it makes them a lot of money, obviously putting them at odds. The American COnservative on the other hand doesn't fit the mold of the "crazy far-right supporter" and thus the media doesn't want to highlight them because it makes the right have a different, more reasonable, and relatable viewpoint.


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