Blog Post #2

Something that I didn’t realize was how truly powerful the Supreme Court really is and what there job ultimately is. They are responsible for not only fixing the countries problems, but also to keep the President and Congress in check and keep them accountable.

In my opinion, the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court is that they are the end all be all and they truly are responsible for fixing our nation’s problems by keeping our government accountable. Another important thing that was brought up is that just because the Supreme Court doesn’t take a case, it doesn’t mean the Supreme Court agrees with the outcome, its just with 100 new files a day, there’s sometimes a bigger fish to fry.

The most surprising thing that i learned is that the Supreme Court can’t simply decide to fix a problem one day, but rather they have to wait for someone to bring the problem to them, its a very interesting system.

The video changed the way I thought of the Supreme Court by highlighting how powerful the Supreme Court really is and how much they do for the United States behind the scenes.


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