Blog Post #7

 An EOTO I learned about today was the concept of the Echo Chamber and its causes and effects. An echo chamber is when you only hear or see the information the confirms your own beliefs, making you believe that all other perspectives are incorrect. One of the most dangerous aspects of echo chambers is that they often result in a lack of fresh ideas, dissenting perspectives, and challenging concepts. On a broad level, this has the potential to limit our prospects for growth and stifle healthy, important debate. Finding "scientific" research that supports your own point of view is rather simple nowadays, thanks to the vast amount of information available on the internet. 

This concept connects with the Illusory Truth Effect (the one I presented on) because if you are convinced to believe a certain way because of the illusory truth effect, you are unlikely to change your way because, in the process of being convinced, you started to be locked into an echo chamber, causing the reason to hear the same thing over and over again.

If you are interested in learning more about Echo Chambers and their dangers, check out his video below.


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